Here’s Why Your Hot Tub Is Tripping Your Breaker

If your hot tub is constantly tripping the breaker, or it tripped and won’t turn back on, there are a number of possible causes. Most of them are fixable, but some might cost you. Nonetheless, if you want to continue using your hot tub, you’ll have to address the issue one way or another.

Your hot tub might be tripping the breaker due to a worn out GFCI breaker, moisture in the breaker box, a build up of corrosion, damaged wiring, component issues, or a flooded air blower or ozonator. Electrical issues with a hot tub should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid damage or injury.

Luckily, many of these issues can be addressed without professional assistance. Let’s take a closer look at the possible causes behind the problem, how you can fix it, and when to seek out help.

Why Does Your Hot Tub Keep Blowing the Circuit Breaker?

Split image of a hot tub fading into an image of a circuit breaker

There are many reasons why your hot tub might be tripping your circuit breaker. Some are easier to fix than others, but whenever there’s an electrical issue, it should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid personal injury or further damage to your property. 

Worn Out Hot Tub GFCI Breaker

A worn out GFCI breaker is one of the most common and clear reasons why your hot tub might be tripping the breaker. The simple fact of the matter is that breakers do wear out — and this is something a lot of people overlook. 

Age, power surges, or even lightning strikes can render your breaker useless. Thankfully, identifying this fault is fairly easy, and diagnosing the issue is even easier. 

The first thing to try is to flip it back. If it immediately trips again, then the breaker is either worn out or faulty. To make sure that this is indeed the cause of your tripping breaker, disconnect everything from the GFCI and flip it back on.

If the breaker still flips with nothing connected to it, then it’s most certainly a worn out breaker and will need to be replaced.

Moisture in the Hot Tub Breaker Box

To determine whether moisture has caused your hot tub to trip the breaker, open up the breaker box and shine a flashlight inside. If you see any moisture build up from rain or flooding then you likely have moisture damage. Even a bit of dampness can make the hot tub flip a breaker.

If this is the case, the first thing you can try is to dry out the box completely with a towel, a fan, or a dehumidifier (on Amazon) near the outlet. Once it’s completely dry, reset the breaker.

If the breaker is still flipping after it’s dried then you’ll need to perform more troubleshooting. You may need to replace the box itself and move it further from the hot tub to avoid this issue again.


Corrosion is a common problem that’s extremely hard to avoid. Rust on the outer side of the breaker is a good example of this, so keep an eye out if you notice any beginning signs of corrosion developing around your breaker box. 

Unfortunately, corrosion can cause any component to malfunction, and it can even affect the chemistry of your water quality, which can further damage your hot tub. Corrosion can occur near the hot tub GFCI or around the hot tub itself, so make sure you’re regularly checking the breaker box as well as inside your hot tub cabinet for any signs of damage. 

Typically, a white powder or rust will develop around component connections, but be sure to also check wires, ground wires, the control panel, and anywhere else that might have component wiring.

Repairing this kind of damage depends on where it’s been found and how bad the situation is. You might be able to get away with just cleaning it off with a wire brush (on Amazon) or an electrical contact cleaner (on Amazon) and reconnecting the components.

In other cases, you might need to replace any parts that suffered damage. 

Loose or Damaged Wiring

Side of hot tub with panel removed to repair and complete maintenance on the recirculation pump

Another thing to look for is damage to the wiring, such as breaks or char marks.

Wiring Short

One issue with wiring is called a wiring short, which occurs when two wires are touching but aren’t supposed to be. This surge of power causes your breaker to trip. It can also happen when a hot wire (one with power going into it) touches a ground wire. 

This kind of wiring shortage is extremely dangerous because it not only trips your breaker but can also cause a fire. 

To fix this problem, either call an electrician or, using the proper safety protocols, reconnect your wiring properly and make sure the two wires that aren’t supposed to be touching no longer touch. 

Burnt Wires

Another wiring issue is known as burnt wires. A short can cause a fire, old wiring can overheat, and hot components can destroy the wires. To find out if this is your issue, shine a flashlight into the breaker box and hot tub cabinet and look for wires with melted insulation. Insulation is the rubber coating around the wires. 

Burnt wires can be tricky to fix, so it’s usually best to call a professional to take a look. That way, you can avoid unnecessary damage or injury. 

Loose Connectors

Another common issue with wiring is when something comes loose. If your hot tub has been moved around or adjusted in some other way, this can happen.

Even if the wiring is only a little loose, it can cause your breaker to trip. If the component keeps turning on and off, then it’s likely that something is a bit loose. 

To fix this issue, use a screwdriver to tighten the screws keeping the wires in place. You can also check to see if there are any plastic plug-style connectors that have slipped out of place and then simply push them back in until they’re firmly in place once more. 

Electrical Component Issues in the Hot Tub

Hot Tub Problem Resolving By Professional SPA Technician

Even if your hot tub is a relatively basic model, they all come with at least a couple electrical components. One of the most common components is the heater; even an inflatable hot tub comes with a heater and control panel. Another culprit could be towel warmers, a sound system, or any interior lighting.

Even if only one of these components is having issues, it can trip your entire breaker. 

The easiest way to figure out which component is causing the problem is to disconnect everything from the GFCI and then connect each piece individually to see if it flips the breaker. This method of trial and error can be time consuming, but it’s fairly easy to do yourself. 

Once you’ve figured out which component is giving you the issue, you’ll need to determine why it has suddenly started acting up. Unfortunately, this is where it often becomes necessary to contact an electrician for more complex electrical troubleshooting. 

Flooded Air Blower or Ozonator

If water is flowing back into your air blower or ozonator, it’ll most definitely cause your breaker to trip. To figure out if this is the issue, disconnect your blower and/or your ozonator from the breaker and try flipping it back. If it continues to trip, then you’ve found your problem. 

This issue usually only happens if your check valve is bad or your hot tub has been overfilled, so it’s important to not go over those maximum lines. Drain some of that water, and then, if you need to, replace the bad check valve. 

If the blower has gotten wet, then it will also need to be replaced.

How to Test and Reset a Hot Tub GFCI Breaker

Resetting your GFCI breaker is fairly simple to do. Usually, it has a visible reset button on the breaker. The buttons are red and clearly labeled ‘Reset.’ 

To reset the GFCI you can simply press this button to restore the electricity to your hot tub.

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